We take pride in our outstanding safety record and cherish our warm and caring community. There is zero tolerance for any form of rude, insulting, sexist, or racist behaviour.

While we do not endorse in-person meetings, we understand that some of you have chosen to do so or may consider it. In the interest of enhancing your safety, we have provided guidance below for both your online and offline activities. This advice aims to assist you in ensuring your encounters are safer and more enjoyable.

For information on online and offline safety, please utilize the buttons provided below. Remember, your safety ultimately rests in your hands. Always proceed with caution and rely on your common sense.

Safety Online Safety Offline

There Are No Excuses For Bad Behaviour

We highly encourage our users to report any violations of our policies, whether they occur online or offline. It's important to note that, similar to the real world, we can only take action based on substantial evidence. Therefore, we kindly request that any messages and posts that could serve as evidence for our investigators be retained for evaluation. Valuable items for review include messages, URLs of pages, as well as content and images, among others.

On OstoDate:
Use the report link or contact form to report it, giving as much detail as possible and saving any evidence.

Contact your local Law Enforcement Agency, then contact us.

Reporting a member

If you feel someone has joined our community for the wrong reasons you can report them using the report link on the profile. You can find out more about reporting by clicking here.

Harm Reduction

As a responsible platform for the online Ostomate community, caring for our members and their well-being is of paramount importance to us. We except the same from our members. Recognising certain behaviours or traits by unqualified people is not easy and can often be a hindrance and for this reason we have created this resource to help members seek self help for themselves or others when things in life can get a little too much at times.

Harm Reduction Information